Double Update Day

It is October 27th this early morn. The day for my local NaNoWriMo kick-off party, and my first write in ever. I know nobody there, and nobody there knows me. With only a vague idea as to who and what I am looking for, I will march into Barnes & Noble around 9:30 and pray for the best.

Am I afraid? Slightly yes I have to admit. You see I am the horrible clichéd writer. The kind who locks herself alone in her house for days on end until it becomes absolutely required for her to leave. My skin is a pasty albino white, my hair dull and lifeless from being in the dark too long.

But the sun isn’t what concerns me, at least not in that sense. I’m more worried about the sun exploding and engulfing the Earth than it burning my tender skin. What concerns me are people, new unpredictable people who don’t yet exist in my personal world.

Who knows what people could be among them? Are they sweet, kind, and caring writerly types who mostly write for enjoyment? Are they over pompous, ridiculously uptight writers who take writing as a serious and humorless matter? Are they a bunch of Mort Rainey’s just waiting for a trigger? (Secret Window, Secret Garden reference kids!)

To use the old yet very appropriate cliché, time will tell. For now the best I can do is clean myself up, prepare everything I’ll need to survive several hours alone with strangers, and get at least four hours of good sleep.

That brings us to our double feature/double update day. While this update has gone on about my annoyingly timid nature in regards to meeting new people, our second update today will reveal the aftermath of the days adventures. Good, bad, or indifferent, you will hear it all. At least what will fit into 700 words or less.

Tune back in today after five pm eastern time to check it out!

About Rae Lavallee

Found Object artist and wannabe novelist Rae Lavallee, somewhere hereabouts in the great state of Maine.
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7 Responses to Double Update Day

  1. Catana says:

    I’m sure the people will be very nice and will be concentrating on their writing, but I know how you feel. Meeting a group of strangers — not my cup of tea. And I can’t even imagine getting any writing done under those circumstances. I’m a loner to the bone.

    • Rae Lavallee says:

      Well I survived! Though none of us were really concentrating on writing. It was an awesome social get together I needed. I would certainly recommend it to any one who is considering attending a write in.

      I have already planned to attend at least the four write ins through November, though I agree. I don’t see how I can get any real writing done. But it is worth it, even if only to have a group of people to hold you accountable.

  2. Ellen says:

    Good luck! I’m terribly shy when it comes to meeting new people.

    I can’t write in public places. At least not on my computer. In a notebook with my terribly messy handwriting that no one but me (most of the time) can read? Sure. But I’m very paranoid about other people reading what I’m writing.

    • Rae Lavallee says:

      Thanks for reading!

      You know I find it odd, I am able to write better in public places personally. At home I loose my focus too easily. Why not watch some T.V. or get something to eat. I also prefer to write long hand. Mostly because my laptop is a tiny monster that weighs as much as a large cat.

      Besides, laptops have too many fuctions to distract from writing anyway. Internet alone can eat up three hours easy.

  3. Wow, I only just heard about NaNoWriMo and now I learn there are kick off parties and write ins! There are more writing obsessed people out there than I realised… what a lovely thought.

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